Terms and conditions of plug the jack

Object of the Terms and conditions. 

PLUG THE JACK offers access to studios for recording, podcast, sound creation and rehearsal as well as ancillary services. As part of these services, the customer agrees to respect these rules and obligations and accepts without reservation the general conditions of PLUG THE JACK and its appendices.

Rules and obligations when using the services offered by PLUG THE JACK

You agree to abide by these terms and conditions each time you use our services. They may be modified by PLUG THE JACK at its own discretion and the modified terms and conditions will be published on the website in the "Terms and Conditions" section. Your use of our services after we make those changes constitutes your agreement to those changes. In the event of non-compliance with the rules and obligations contained in these general conditions, fines and indemnities may be claimed by you in accordance with the section fines and indemnities of these general conditions. You hereby agree to pay its fines and indemnities.
The present general conditions exclude the application of any of your terms and conditions.

Creation of a customer account, information to be transmitted and obligations

When creating a customer account on the website each user must choose a unique password. This information is assigned exclusively to the user's customer account and cannot be disclosed. You will also be asked to submit a valid email address. Personal information will have to be confirmed by a validation process before you will be able to finalize any order on our website.

Due to liability and insurance issues, Plug the Jack needs to be able to verify your identity when you create an account to reserve and use our studios. In order to verify your identity, Plug the Jack recommends using the ITSME app, which is widely used by the majority of institutions. If you do not have access to ITSME, Plug the Jack will ask you to confirm your identity by providing a photo of your ID or passport, along with a selfie. The images and information collected in this way will be used exclusively for security and insurance purposes, in compliance with GDPR regulations.

A customer account can only be used in the benefit of its holder.

Each user can only have one customer account. In case of loss of your password, you can request their recovery or replacement via the Plug The Jack website. If you believe that the access to your customer account has been compromised, that your password is no longer confidential or that any sensitive information allowing the use of your customer account by a third party has been compromised, you must inform us of this as quickly as possible. As such, you are solely responsible for the use of your customer account and the consequences thereof.

The user of the PLUG THE JACK website and infrastructure confirms that he is not using the website or his customer account on behalf of a third party and that any use of his customer account is made by him alone and that he is solely responsible for the use of his customer account.

You confirm that all the personal information that you send us when creating your customer account and during any subsequent exchange is correct and kept up to date, that you are authorized to send it to us and have the right to use it. This includes your contact details, stage names, trademarks that you own and that you use in the context of your artistic activities, etc. This list is not exhaustive.

You confirm that the information you provide to us is correct, that you are not impersonating a third party, that you are not acting on behalf of a third party and that you are not soliciting information from a third party in order to have access to our services and infrastructures.

Plug The Jack will be authorized to use the data you transmit to it in order to be able to provide you with services and process your payments. 

If you gave your consent when creating your account, Plug the Jack may also use your data to regularly inform you of the other services it offers, promotions and information on similar services. You may end this last provision at any time.

In the event of non-compliance with the preceding provisions, Plug the Jack is entitled to cancel the creation of your customer account or to terminate it.

Plug the Jack is also authorized to terminate or submit a new verification process to any account that has not recorded any activity for at least 18 months. In such a case, prior notification will be sent to the user at the e-mail address entered in the customer account.

Conditions to be met in order to be able to reserve or rent a PLUG THE JACK studio.

To be able to rent or book a studio you must be 16 years old, you must have a valid individual customer account opened via the PLUG THE JACK website (www.plugthejack.com).

Minors under the age of 16 are only allowed access to PLUG THE JACK's buildings and facilities if they are accompanied by one of their legal guardians and under their permanent responsibility. You undertake not to be accompanied by a minor under 16 years of age on the premises of PLUG THE JACK if these conditions are not met. You and any person accompanying you must be in possession of an identity document when you visit PLUG THE JACK.

The laws that will apply will be that of the country in which the studio provision service takes place even if your domicile is in another country.

Validation / cancellation / modification of the reservation

When you book a studio, you pay the price of making it available and any additional costs. The validation of your reservation takes place when the payment of the reservation is confirmed. Confirmation of the reservation takes place after full payment and is confirmed by e-mail to the e-mail address indicated in your customer account. If this reservation cannot be confirmed, in particular for technical reasons, the reservation will not be invoiced or it will be refunded to you if the payment has already been made and the pre-authorization will be released.

Your reservation can be modified or canceled up to 4 hours before the start of it and this in your personal web space on the site www.plugthejack.com. Reservations are non-refundable. In the event of cancellation, a voucher corresponding to the value of this reservation will be placed in a positive credit balance on your customer account.

A reservation can no longer be canceled or modified less than 4 hours before the start of it. It starts at the scheduled time and ends at the scheduled time even if you arrive late at your studio.

PLUG THE JACK may modify or postpone any scheduled booking for internal or technical reasons. This modification may also concern a change of studio and replacement by another equivalent studio according to the same time slot. In case of modification of your reservation by PLUG THE JACK, you will be kept informed by email. In the event of cancellation by Plug the Jack, the reservation fees paid will be fully refunded.

Rules and Obligation in the infrastructures of PLUG THE JACK

You confirm that you are solely responsible for the behavior, safety and acts and behavior of all persons accompanying you when you are in the facilities and studios of PLUG THE JACK. You agree not to give access to strangers when you are on the premises of PLUG THE JACK and engage your responsibility for any person to whom you give access to the infrastructures of PLUG THE JACK. You agree to use PLUG THE JACK's infrastructure with good will and benevolence. You agree to close all the access doors you use after your visit. You are prohibited from organizing any event, party or event not expressly authorized by PLUG THE JACK on its premises.

You agree to respect the number of people authorized in each studio that you reserve, in accordance with the instructions sent to you when you reserve your studio. You agree to comply with all applicable legal provisions as enacted by PLUG THE JACK and by the competent authorities of your country and these competent administrations with regard to sanitary measures and compliance with rules concerning the same and in particular the COVID-19.

The description of the studios and their content is present on the PLUG THE JACK website. You agree to inspect and control the studio you have reserved when entering the premises and to notify us immediately if you notice any problem or damage. Otherwise, you are presumed to accept the studio in the state in which it is described on the site.

You undertake and you warrant the people accompanying you to not to consume at PLUG THE JACK, neither indoors nor in the traffic areas or outdoor parking areas, alcoholic beverages, drugs or illegal substances or nitrate capsules ammonium.

You are also prohibited from bringing onto PLUG THE JACK's Property any weapon or dangerous object that could be used to harm the physical integrity of people.

You agree to comply with the parking rules, the highway code and the notifications displayed in the PLUG THE JACK car parking and roads at all times and you park and drive there under your sole and entire responsibility. You discharge PLUG THE JACK from any responsibility concerning the theft or any damage suffered by your vehicle on the parking lot or the roads of PLUG THE JACK.

Cleanliness, cleaning of the premises and duration of occupation.

  • You will take care to occupy the premises as a good father and to clean all the equipment and instruments that you have used.
  • You agree to use the garbage cans provided to you to remove all your waste from the PLUG THE JACK studios and facilities after you have occupied them.
  • You undertake for yourself and the people accompanying you not to smoke or vape in all of PLUG THE JACK's buildings.
  • If these rules are not respected, PLUG THE JACK will be authorized to charge you cleaning costs as well as a minimum fixed indemnity of 50 € to compensate for the period during which the studio(s) will not have been usable due to their lack of maintenance.
  • You agree to leave and vacate the rented spaces at the end of the time allotted to you, if not an additional invoicing for the occupied time and of minimum one hour of hiring to the rate in force could be claimed to you.

Property damage and incidents at PLUG THE JACK studios.

You must notify us of any material damage or incident within two hours of their occurrence and no later than 1 hour after the end of your rental. You make a commitment to yourself as well as for all the people who accompany you, not to damage the equipment and the interior and exterior infrastructures of PLUG THE JACK. Otherwise, you will indemnify PLUG THE JACK without limit of costs in compensation for all the damage thus caused and the indirect losses associated therewith. If you notice any damage, non-functionality or missing equipment when you enter your studio at the start of the rental upon your arrival, you must notify us immediately, if not you could be presumed responsible and PLUG THE JACK may invoice you for the cost of repair or replacement of this equipment.

If you bring equipment to PLUG THE JACK or store it there, it is under your full and sole responsibility. If you bring your own equipment, you agree to only use devices that comply with all current electrical and safety standards, are properly maintained and do not present any risk during use. You will be held responsible for any damage or interference caused by the use of your equipment at PLUG THE JACK.

Prevention, Security, video surveillance and fire protection.

PLUG THE JACK's premises contain essential devices to secure the premises against theft, fire, accidents and damage to its equipment and infrastructure. These systems are in particular surveillance cameras present in the common areas as well as in each studio, fire detection installations and emergency lighting systems as well as alarms and anti-theft systems, this list not being exhaustive. By accepting these general conditions, you confirm that you accept the presence of each of its devices for the intended use.

You refrain from any action, manipulation, partial or total obstruction or interference with PLUG THE JACK's security devices. In the event of non-compliance with these rules, PLUG THE JACK will be authorized to claim a fixed fine from you for non-compliance with the basic safety rules and you will be held responsible and must compensate PLUG THE JACK for the costs and all the consequences, including the damage caused by third parties which occurred following in particular this non-compliance with the rules and the consequences on the safety of the installations.

You will make sure that these rules are respected by all the people accompanying you and you will be warrant for them. You declare that you and the people accompanying you are well aware of the emergency procedures to be followed in the event of evacuation and are well aware of the safety rules to be observed within PLUG THE JACK's infrastructure.

In the event that you notice behavior or acts that are or appear to be contrary to the general conditions of PLUG THE JACK, you agree to inform us as soon as possible.


PLUG THE JACK pays very particular attention to preventive measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. Our facilities are aired and ventilated and our teams regularly disinfect all equipment.

By using the services offered by Plug The Jack, you agree to strictly comply with the following rules: Under no circumstances will you go to PLUG THE JACK if you have symptoms of Covid-19, are in quarantine or have been in contact with it.

Noise and Sound Levels

The customer hereby acknowledges being informed that prolonged exposure to high sound levels above 85 dB(A) may cause hearing damage and that all studios and users thereof are required to maintain exposures as low as reasonably possible.

You therefore acknowledge that you are responsible for noise levels in the Studio and you will take care not to maintain high noise levels for prolonged periods.

PLUG THE JACK reserves the right to take such measures as it deems appropriate to maintain tolerable noise levels and that no claims may be brought against it in this regard.

Publication of information on our website, notification and communication.

We may allow you to make contributions to the PLUG THE JACK website or its social tools by submitting photographs, images, text, videos, postings to discussion forums or blogs (in any form or) or other communications submitted by you and other users and the hosting, sharing and/or publication of such content. By submitting any Content, you hereby grant us a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free right and license to use, reproduce, display, perform, adapt, modify, distribute  and promotion of such content in any form whatsoever, in all media now known or hereafter created, anywhere in the world, and for any purpose. You also hereby grant each user of the Website or the same digital tools a non-exclusive license to access such content through the Website or such tools, and to use, reproduce, distribute, prepare derivative works from, display and perform this content as permitted by the functionalities offered by the site and these tools and this, under these conditions. You therefore waive any so-called moral rights or any other similar rights to your User Content. You acknowledge that we do not guarantee the confidentiality of the content you submit, whether or not this content is published on our various digital tools.

You guarantee to us that you have the written consent or written permission of each identifiable natural person in the content you submit to use the name or likeness of each such individually identifiable person, in order to permit the inclusion and use of such content in the manner contemplated by the Site and such tools in accordance with these Terms and Conditions. We acknowledge that you retain all ownership rights to your User Content.

You agree not to distribute, display or record in the PLUG THE JACK infrastructure or on its web space content that is Confidential, illegal, inappropriate, which requires prior rights, of which you are not the holder, prohibited, advocating the violence or exploitation of a third party, racist, bigoted, soliciting or posting a third party's private or confidential information, calling for any form of violence or extremism, abusive, defamatory, harassing, pornographic or violating the privacy, advertising or intellectual property of a third party.

The same goes for "spam" or unsolicited advertising.

You further agree not to submit or post any User Content and/or use the PLUG THE JACK website or its digital tools in a manner that:

  • Is unlawful, offensive, defamatory, libelous, threatening, pornographic, harassing, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive;
  • Is designed to harass, threaten or abuse other people
  • Is generally offensive or in poor taste;
  • Pretends to be another person;

Promotes, supports, contains or links to software, applications or websites that propagate, distribute or contain pirated software or similar applications, utilities or programs, software viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment

  • Posts advertisements or commercial solicitations, including without limitation pyramid schemes and "junk mail", "spam" or "chain letters";
  • Contains in any form software viruses or programs such as, but not limited to, Trojan horses, worms, time bombs, cancelbots, computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or computer hardware or telecommunications equipment;
  • Could damage, disable, overload or deteriorate the plug the jack website or its digital tools;
  • Reformats or frames all or parts of the web pages forming part of the plug the jack Website or its digital tools
  • Interferes with another user's use and enjoyment of the PLUG THE JACK Website or its digital tools;
  • Constitutes a violation of these Terms and Conditions and/or applicable laws, regulations or codes of practice.

You are responsible for all content you post on the website or via PLUG THE JACK digital tools.

PLUG THE JACK has the right but not the obligation to moderate or reject any content published via its digital tools without justification.

You agree never to use the tools made available by PLUG THE JACK or its infrastructures to violate or infringe anything that falls under copyright or that is in any way illegal, scandalous, obscene or defamatory.

You agree to indemnify PLUG THE JACK and pay all costs and expenses that may be incurred by PLUG THE JACK in reference to the performance of these obligations. These indemnities also extend to amounts paid for counsel's advice and legal fees incurred with respect to such claim, whether direct or indirect.

Taking photographs and videos

Is it permitted to film or take photos at Plug The Jack?

You are allowed to film or take photographs after making your reservation. However, please adhere to our capacity limits and ensure that any specialized equipment you bring meets our standards. Note that the use of smoke machines is prohibited.

Your authorization to film, photograph and/or record at PLUG THE JACK is also subject to the following additional conditions: Respect for copyright, image rights and all related rights and the prior explicit obtaining of each of the protagonists participating or appearing in the films/photographs or recordings produced.

Right to intellectual property

You grant us a license to your user content when you create your customer account and distribute content through it.

You hereby grant PLUG THE JACK a non-exclusive, transferable, royalty-free, worldwide license to use, reproduce, publicly perform or modify, copy or distribute your User Content.

You retain ownership of this content, but we ask that you ensure that you have the right to submit it to us in the first place, because when you submit it, you are granting us (and those we work with) a license Worldwide Usage, Hosting to store, reproduce, modify, create derivative works from, communicate, publish, publicly perform, publicly display and distribute such content. This license continues even if you stop using our Services. If you submit comments, suggestions, or other information about our Services, we may use them without obligation to you. Any content you submit is deemed non-confidential.

Data protection

The processing of your data is carried out in accordance with the applicable legal provisions. All data transmitted to us will be used exclusively for the purpose indicated and will be kept in electronic format for the duration of the processing of the data. Your data will not be transferred to third parties. By using the website www.plugthejack.com and our infrastructure or other digital tools, you consent to the aforementioned processing of your data. You can revoke this consent in writing or by e-mail at any time with future effect. You also have the right to receive free information about all your personal data that has been stored. In addition, you have the right to change, block or delete such personal data.

Your Liability, Plug The Jack Liability and Limitation of Liability

The Customer acknowledges that his use of the tools and facilities made available to PLUG THE JACK is under his full responsibility and at his own risk.

Unless mandatory or contrary legal provision, PLUG THE JACK will only bear an obligation of means and will not be held responsible:

  • Loss or damage, material or immaterial, physical or moral, commercial or other, direct or indirect, that you would suffer under this contract or its execution in whole or in part and whether you are a consumer within the meaning of the law (article I.1, 2, of the CDE) or a company.
  • A malfunction of its facilities, a breakdown and the consequences that would ensue if this event was beyond its control, except in the event of gross negligence by PLUG THE JACK or its representatives or a deliberate decision on their part.
  • Notwithstanding any other provision contained in this contract, PLUG THE JACK shall not be liable to you or persons accompanying you for any direct, indirect or consequential loss or damage and economic loss suffered by you as a result of the use of the infrastructure or tools made available to you by PLUG THE JACK.

Each consumer is deemed to have taken out family liability insurance if he is a consumer within the meaning of article I.1, 2, of the CDE or liability insurance if he acts as a business.

Nevertheless, PLUG THE JACK will take out a civil liability insurance contract and will accept, without any prejudicial recognition, to file a claim for compensation with its insurance company at your express request, if the conditions of intervention of the company insurance are met. In any case, the compensation for any damage you may suffer will be limited to the amount of compensation provided for in the insurance contract and accepted by the insurance company, without PLUG THE JACK being required to pay any additional amount. whether it be.

Notwithstanding any other term of this Agreement, PLUG THE JACK shall in no event be liable for any breach of any of its obligations under this Agreement due to Force Majeure.

Any complaint for any defect or for compensation must be submitted in writing within 8 days from the end of the occupation of the studio, under penalty of foreclosure.


You agree to indemnify us and all of our representatives, staff members, officers and indirectly associated stakeholders and including for all direct and indirect costs, expenses and loss of profits of PLUG THE JACK intervening if you or any person accompanying you does not comply with these general conditions, commits fraud or violates the law.

Certain fixed compensation or fines are provided for in PLUG THE JACK's internal rules. These are minimum amounts, PLUG THE JACK being entitled to claim higher amounts covering full compensation for its damage.

Modification, suspension and termination of your access or contract

We reserve the right, without prejudice to any other rights and remedies available to us under these Terms or generally under law, to suspend or terminate your access to and/or use of the Website, digital tools or PLUG THE JACK infrastructure immediately upon becoming aware of any breach or potential breach by you of this Agreement.

In addition, in the event of non-compliance with the general conditions, fraud, attempted fraud or in the event of legitimate doubt or violation of the law, PLUG THE JACK may at any time and without notice suspend or terminate your account and your access to its infrastructure.

PLUG THE JACK reserves the right to restore your access to its infrastructure and your customer account in the event of any doubts being lifted. It reserves the right to ask you to provide any useful information to remove such doubt.

PLUG THE JACK reserves the right to modify, cancel or suspend any reservation or customer account for any reason.

General Terms and Conditions Applicable to Credit Packs

Credits obtained from the purchase of promotional packs (hereinafter referred to as "credit packs") are credited to the client's account and remain valid as long as the client's account is active, with no expiration date as long as they are not used.

Credits are usable in all studios and at any address/city where Plug the Jack has studios.

The number of credits available on the client's account can be seen on the website www.plugthejack.com under the "invoices and credits" tab.

Credit packs are not refundable, in whole or in part, in case of non-use.

Credits available on a client's account can be used at any time. They can be combined with other promotions or special offers from Plug the Jack.

In the event of termination of the client's account, all remaining credits on the account will be lost.

Credits are not transferable between different client accounts.

The purchase of credit packs implies full and unconditional acceptance of Plug The Jack's general terms and conditions.

Plug The Jack reserves the right to adjust studio rental rates (due to inflation, increased operating costs, etc.). Changes in Plug the Jack's studio rates do not lead to a change in the number of credits available on client accounts.

Plug The Jack's promotional offers provide advantageous rates for the group purchase of a defined number of studio hours. To benefit from these preferential rates, the hours must be purchased simultaneously in a single transaction and used during a continuous session in the same studio. Eligibility for the discount requires adherence to these two conditions.

If the desired number of hours is not available at the time of the transaction, or if the customer opts for a lower volume of hours and decides to add additional hours at a later date or in a different studio, the promotion will not apply. The offer is strictly reserved for one-off purchases and unified sessions, ensuring a consistent experience and optimum use of our facilities.

Penalty for late payment

In the event of non-payment of any amount on the due date, the amount due will be, automatically and without formal notice, increased by interest of 1% per month from the due date, without prejudice the application of the law of August 2, 2002 relating to the fight against late payment in commercial transactions. In addition, and without prejudice to this late payment interest, a lump sum compensation of 15% of the amounts due with a minimum of 125 euros will be automatically due as a penalty clause.

Jurisdiction and applicable law

This contract is subject to Belgian law. Any dispute, for whatever reason, will be under the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the district of Brussels.

Validity and scope

The nullity of a provision of these General Conditions does not entail the nullity of the contract. The judge will replace the invalid provision with a provision that best reflects the common intention of the parties.

The contract binds the parties, as well as their heirs and assigns.

Rules of internal order of PLUG THE JACK

By using PLUG THE JACK studios and facilities, you confirm that you and anyone accompanying you will comply with the internal rules below.

  1. Our camera monitoring team monitors the PLUG THE JACK site. Our surveillance cameras have access to surveillance images 24 hours a day in order to ensure compliance with the security of the infrastructure and its users as well as compliance with these general conditions.
  2. Smoking is prohibited in all PLUG THE JACK buildings. In the event of an infringement, you will immediately be liable for compensation of at least 100€. If the fire alarm is triggered, this indemnity will be increased to 500€.
  3. It is forbidden to drink and eat in the immediate vicinity of the instruments and musical equipment contained in the studios.
  4.  It is forbidden to use a steam or smoke machine on the premises of PLUG THE JACK.
  5. Any illegal drug or product is strictly prohibited
  6. You are responsible for the contents of the studio throughout the period of your rental and your responsibility extends to any person accompanying you who enters the studio due to your lack of vigilance.
  7. You will limit the number of people who accompany you during your session in each studio to comply with the maximum number of people authorized as indicated in your reservation email.
  8. You are responsible for the people accompanying you and their behavior and actions during their entire stay at PLUG THE JACK.
  9. You are required to keep the doors closed and to limit the sound volume in order to respect the work of the other musicians.
  10. You will limit the noise in the hallways in order to respect the work of the other musicians.
  11. You are required to turn off the lights and the power supply of the equipment you use after your departure.
  12. At the end of your session, you tidy up the studio, clean the equipment and dispose of all your waste in the bins provided for you.
  13. Pets are not allowed in our studios. Only recognized assistance dogs are welcome.

In the event of a breakdown problem or if necessary, contact our support team immediately by phone, whatsapp or email (www.plugthejack.com).

FIXED FINES in the event of non-compliance with certain obligations of this contract

In the event of non-compliance with the obligations arising hereunder, PLUG THE JACK may apply and execute without limitation the fines provided for below and this without prejudice to any other compensation mentioned in these general conditions:

  • 75€ in case of non-compliance with the maximum number of people authorized in the studio.
  •  In case of non respect of the departure time of the studio: 30 € from 0 to 15 minutes and 30 € additional by 1/4h additional as well as 150 € minimum in case of request of intervention of the security group.
  • 100€ in the event of inappropriate use of any equipment causing it to malfunction
  • 250€ for any manipulation that may or may not damage the surveillance equipment, cameras and security equipment in the broad sense present in PLUG THE JACK's infrastructure;
  • 500€ for triggering an alarm without a valid reason
  • 500€ for having opened an emergency door or triggered an intrusion alarm without a valid reason
  • 100€ for smoking or vaping in PLUG THE JACK facilities
  • 250€ in case of inappropriate, excessive or embarrassing behavior
  • 250€ for any use, distribution, consumption or handling of drugs in PLUG THE JACK buildings and parking lots.

You will be responsible for the full cost of replacement or identical repair of any equipment damaged by you.

You will be liable for the full cost of repairing any damage to the PLUG THE JACK building and its facilities.

Additional conditions applicable in the event of Studio rental to give courses and training

If you are renting one or more studios at PLUG THE JACK to give courses or training, you hereby declare and guarantee that you and the persons assisting you are of legal age or are accompanied by a guardian or person responsible who is of legal age.

If your courses are aimed at minors:

- You will not take any photographs or videos of them during your stay in Plug The Jack facilities.

- They will be always accompanied as they move around the building and into the communal/sanitary areas and ensure that they respect the work of the artists and the Plug The Jack facilities.

- You will carry out a risk assessment and inform each of your students of the procedures to be followed in case of an emergency.

In general, you will ensure that :

  • You have carried out a risk assessment before the start of the session and resolved any situation representing a potential danger, otherwise you agree to immediately suspend the session.
  • All the equipment you bring is in good condition and its use and does not present any danger.
  • You are able to provide first aid and assistance to those accompanying you
  • You will report any accident of any kind to PLUG THE JACK by email at hello@plugthejack.com , by phone or by WhatsApp.
  • You are acting as a business and not as a consumer and have comprehensive civil liability insurance with a minimum value of €2.000.000.
  • You will present to PLUG THE JACK, on simple request, any documentation confirming your compliance with these obligations. Failure to produce these documents upon request may result in the suspension of your account.